Monday, February 18, 2008

100 Things??? Really????

so, i honestly don't think that i can think of 100 things about, i must really really love you.

1. I currently live in New Zealand

2. I LOVE to dance

3. i LOVE to surf, it is my new passion in life...

4. i am very stubborn, strong willed, and bull headed

5. i have a herniated disc in my lower back

6. my favorite foods are grilled cheese sandwhiches dipped in ketchup, mashed potatoes and gravy, maverick frozen yogurt, black beans (and anything with them in it), jello (hold the carrots please), oatmeal, raisins, pineapple (and all fruit basically) and funfetti cake

7. i sound like a cow getting slaughtered when i sing....children cry

8. i have downsized my shoe collection to 60 pairs of shoes....i have a fetish....

9. i have a phobia of snakes

10. i am a riverguide

11. i LOVE the outdoors!!!

12. i am attached to my nalgene at the hip

13. i have only endoed on a mt bike once, scooters and longboards are a different story

14. i am the clumsiest person i have ever met

15. i have loads of sweet scars because of number 14

16. i am a spaz

17. i LOVE to ski!!!! i have a great disdain for snowboarding, but not the ppl

18. i never pay for sunglasses, i find/mooch them

19. i love to travel, and i have a wonderful plan to accomplish that...but i can't tell you here

20. i have a guilty pleasure of the love of peeling skin off ppl and myself

21. i don't believe in doing my hair or wearing makeup

22. i am a liberal

23. i am a treehugger

24. but i drive a jeep....but i want a subaru or...soobahroo (as they would say in nz)

25. i am the youngest of 3 girls

26. my name is katie, but i usually go by kpax or some form of that because everywhere i go, there are katie's, must be a good name...

27. i go to BYU where i am a therapeutic recreation major with a dance minor (emphasis in modern)

28. i like to spin in circles and get really dizzy and then try and go kartwheels

29. i am using dial-up internet right now this very moment.

30. i am a firm believer that laughing is the only proper way to get a 6 pack....and by doing wheelbarrow races, lots and lots of wheelbarrow races, which usually end and are intertwined with laughter. but the question is, which burns more???

31. i am born and raised in utah

32. with that said i'm a mormon and dern proud of it baby!

33. i almost always have some form of wrap or scarf on my head becuase i don't believe in doing my hair

34. i daydream a lot!

35. i am a packrat

36. i am easily entertained and distracted...shiny.....

37. i hate vacuuming and sweeping, they are my least favorite jobs. people tend to take advantage of me by making me clean out the fridge or scrub the toilet becuase it gets me out of vacuuming...

38. i hate any meat from a pig

39. i deeply wish to drop out of school and bum my way around the world for at least a year

40. i got chastized by my mother for even sounding number 39

41. i have no musical ability

42. but i love music!

43. there were way more sheep on my side of the road than on marcie's on the way to kayaking today, there and back....(we even switched sides...)

44. i am a firm believer that new zealand has the WORLD'S BEST ice cream...sorry italy, but gelato just aint cuttin it no mo'

45. i cannot bring myself to shop at harmon's because they compete with smith's and i was raised shopping there.....and reams, utah's cheapest groceries!

46. my favorite movies are moulin rouge and beauty and the beast i could put the movies on silent and quote them word for word

47. i'm typing this on a nz computer and it keeps telling me i spell things wrong because i don't put u's in words like favorite or color.....favourite colour.....looks wrong.....

48. i have never had a cavity

49. for some weird reason i automatically wake up at 6:45 every's really odd

50. i am half way done......this is taking forEVER! ha! for-evvver, forrrrevvver, forever......sandlot, another favorite, along with hook and the italian job and stranger than fiction and pride and prejudice, and empire records, and gladiator, and ok i'm stopping now...

51. my favorite words are gastrocnemius and incognito

52. i am training for a marathon, but i really don't like running that much. but it's my thinking time, so i guess that works

53. i love to create things.....wiht my body....i'm a dancer

54. i love wearing tights and spandex

55. i love dressing up and going places just to see how people look at me

56. i LOVE cafe rio!!! costa vida tastes like it came out of a toilet bowl....

57. i am a terrible bowler

58. i love that for school today i went kayaking, and yesterday i went surfing, and the day before that...i went kayaking. life is ruff. i love that all i do is play and i get grades for it.

59. i am still very much a child. especially lately.

60. i love to climb trees...or anything, especially rocks

61. i love my niece, she is the cutest thing in the world, i wish i had another one....hint HINT!

62. i had a cactus once (from my niece) and it stayed alive all semester, until we had a party and someone knocked it over and i didn't know and he died. his name was rustin...i was very sad

63. emotionally i am a rock. aka, unless i'm happy i show no emotion. i think i lack the capability to cry

64. my sister lost my orange baby blanket when i was 9. i'm still kinda bitter, because i am the onl child without a baby blanket.....

65. i love to play games! especially interactive games when you have to move around. like wack-a-mole!

66. i love to cook

67. i love when my mom cooks cuz she is better than mrs. weasley (according to my flatmates, i quite agree.)

68. i won't lie, i'm a big harry potter fan

69. i don't eat chocolate

70. i am slowly but surely kicking the habit of trident.....sniff i miss thee

71. i think that the 2 most important inventions of our time are toothbrushes and tampons.

72. i LOVE my family they are the COOLEST people in the world

73. i also LOVE the clines i guess that counts as family....but, ah.....they're amazing. we may be a little ruff aroudn the edges, but i'm sure once you are able to look past you'll fit right in. that is,unless you are a corporate bum in a neatly startched suit that sits at a desk all day counting your may not fit in so well, but we will love you anyway

74. i love to help people, and see changes in their life for the better

75. i secretly want to be an archaeologist

76. i am fascinated by cultures that aren't my own.

77. i love not having a cell phone. it is such a beautiful thing. i think i am going to use mine very rarely when i get home

78. i love driving manuels. i don't intend to ever purchase an automatic

79. i have messed up hips, but i try to pretend i don't

80. i have never dyed my hair

81. i love to play ultimate frisbee, rugby, volleyball and soccer

82. unfortunatley, i really really suck at volleyball and soccer, but i've gotten a LOT better at volleyball

83. if you ahven't noticed, i'm a TERRIBLE speller. is speller even a word??

84. i beat my sisters/mom in boggle for the first time over christmas break

85. i believe that valentine's day should be celebrated in one way and one way only. by making valentines, making valentine's boxes, giving valentines in your boxes, and making and decorating sugar cookies and just having a blast of a time. like childhood

86. i refuse to grow up, i'm a lot like peter pan except i'm a girl, i can't fly, don't live in neverland (although i'm pretty close right now) but i have fought i pirate once, but i think it was just a crazy bloke dressed up. oh well

87. i hate batman. superman through and through

88. i've only cried in 3 movies in my life (that aren't church movies) and one tv show. hotel rowanda, saints and soldiers (random), and beauty and the beast (i was sick, and i chastized myself for crying.) oh yeah and i cried in season 2 of 24 when jack bauer had to call kim (his daughter whom i loath entirely) and tell her he was gonne die. (my mom cried too!)

89. i am having trouble thinking of anything else

90. i love to swing

91. i have a deep passion for writing on other people's driveways late at night with chalk

92. i LOVE to color. i have a coloring book and crayons with me and all times

93. sweedish fish are the BEST candy in the world

94. i can eat my body weight in reeces pieces

95. i think america needs to convert to the metric system

96. bill nye the science guy is a genius. i really want to meet him. he looks a LOT like my old principal from middle school

97. i got sent to the principal's office on the 2nd day of kindergarten.

98. i hate cats

99. i love sleeping under the stars. (i only sleep in tents when i have too.)

100. I"M DONE!!! if you read all of that you are amazing and i admire you, you are a much stronger person than i am, i am farrrrrr too impatient.

1 comment:

Addie Parker said...

I love it Katie! Thanks for doing it - I learned a lot and I'm your sister! I especially liked #18 (and did not realize that about you. I'll keep a close eye on my sunglasses when I'm around you!). Love you.